Why a Retreat will help you Advance in Business in 2021Back in January 2020, I began a new decade by indulging in two retreats in Mexico, one of my all time favourite destinations. On…Feb 8, 2021Feb 8, 2021
Super Saturday see’s Rise of Invisible WomenToday, the UK celebrates the reopening of pubs, restaurants and thousands of businesses across the country and this week also saw football…Jul 4, 2020Jul 4, 2020
3 Keys (Women) need to Self-ActualiseI think the reality is many women squeeze themselves….to fit into the world of prestige (and achievement) that we ourselves didn’t design.May 5, 2020May 5, 2020
5 hard truths of what it takes to manifest…….like really manifest big changes!As I near the end of my trip to Arizona — I wanted to share something with you.Nov 9, 2018Nov 9, 2018
We don't know what leading from the Feminine is or what to do with our Masculine energyIn my last article, I pondered the question that I wasn’t alone in wondering what feminine and leading from that space really meant at…Oct 19, 2018Oct 19, 2018
Successful and high achieving women tend to lead from their masculine energyProblem Two : Successful and High Achieving Women tend to lead from their Masculine EnergyOct 18, 2018Oct 18, 2018
More Women Are Reaching Successful Positions, Yet More Are Also LeavingI wanted to share a problem with you that I see escalating and one you might connect with as a successful woman!Oct 12, 2018Oct 12, 2018
Why Self Care is ‘doing’ and Success is ‘being’After selecting “Like She Owns the Place” by Cara Lebeya as our monthly book club read, I read it in an entire weekend. Being fairly deep…Aug 31, 2018Aug 31, 2018
Sell your energy and expertise (not your time…..it’s outdated)As a lawyer, I sold my time in 6 minute units and as a result — meant time is money. The more time I sold, the more money I made and the…Jul 27, 2018Jul 27, 2018